Finish Matte black #27608 - 0.00 (42310285197551)
Tyres Standard street #27609 - 0.00 (42310418170095)
Performance NKDx - 100km/h speed. 200km range. 13.5kWh mid-drive motor #27722 - 8000.00 (42316207390959)
Saddle Trim Alcantara #27750 - 990.00 (42354603852015)
Custom Carbon trimmed grill, charging port and saddle key #27754 - 175.00 (42354797674735)
Custom Storage pouch #27757 - 150.00 (42354799575279)
Custom Tank bag #27758 - 390.00 (42354800296175)
Add ons Carbon fibre full face helmet #27765 - 395.00 (42354814812399)
Grips Standard black #28101 - 0.00 (42475053252847)
Custom Custom mono saddle - single rider #28108 - 300.00 (42479387508975)
Build your NKD Base Model - All NKD models come with standard mini charger #28113 - 8990.00 (42482289246447)
Mirrors Standard Mirrors #28115 - 0.00 (42486203449583)